A sustainably forestry

We are certified accordingly to PEFC (Promoting Sustainable Forest Management) and FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®). It is marks of sustainable forestry where the woods environmentally traceability is guaranteed. The marking is our proof that we always guarantee that all of our wood comes from a sustainable forestry.


PEFC is a global independent organization for evaluation and mutual recognition av national standards who works for a sustainable forestry by independent certification.

The target is to develop and maintain a sustainable forestry with a good balance between production, environment, and social interest.

PEFC stands for the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification.

PEFC includes over 750 00 owners of forests and a certified areal of 264milj hectare.

The PEFC marking on a product show that it is made out of sustainable forests according to PEFC specifications.

PEFC certified forest owners, entrepreneurs, and companies in Sweden are all reviewed by and independent organization for certification which are approved by Swedac, the official accreditation body of Sweden.


FSC® stand for Forest Stewardship Council® and is an independent organization that works for an environmental, social, and economic forestry for all the forests in the world.

The forest gives us clean water, fresh air, and helps us to work against the global warming. It provides food, medicine, and important resources as timber and paper. A responsible forestry makes sure that the forests will in the long term be able to bring all its benefits for the future.


FSC® stand for Forest Stewardship Council® and is an independent organization that works for an environmental, social, and economic forestry for all the forests in the world.

The forest gives us clean water, fresh air, and helps us to work against the global warming. It provides food, medicine, and important resources as timber and paper. A responsible forestry makes sure that the forests will in the long term be able to bring all its benefits for the future.